- Damfool
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
damfool — /dam foohl /, Informal. n. 1. a person who is exceptionally stupid or foolish. adj. 2. Also, damfoolish /dam fooh lish/. extraordinarily stupid or foolish. [1880 85; alter. of damned fool or foolish] * * * … Universalium
damfool — adj. exceptionally stupid or foolish person … English contemporary dictionary
damfool — informal, dated adjective thoroughly foolish. noun a foolish person … English new terms dictionary
damfool — dam·fool … English syllables
damfool — adj. colloq. foolish, stupid. Etymology: DAMN + FOOL(1) … Useful english dictionary
foolish — adj 1. incautious, imprudent, indiscreet, irresponsible, injudicious; unwise, ill considered, ill suited, ill advised, impolitic; impetuous, impulsive, hasty, short sighted, heedless, unheeding; foolhardy, headlong, rash, brash, unwary;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ludicrous — adj 1. comical, farcical, burlesque; satirical, ironical, sarcastic, cynical; laughable, good for a laugh, derisible, risible, ridiculous, Sl. for the birds; humorous, funny, too funny for words, droll; waggish, witty, roguish, jocular, jocose,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
mindless — adj 1. senseless, nonsensical, insensate, brainless, witless, empty headed, Brit. Inf. gormless, Rare. insulse; unintelligent, dull, dull witted, dim witted, slow, slow witted, half witted, weak minded, weak headed, feeble minded, retarded,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
preposterous — adj 1. unreasonable, irrational, illogical, meaningless, senseless; incongruous, inconsistent, unconnected, groundless; high flown, extravagant, extreme, outrageous, excessive, overdone, exaggerated, hyperbolized; incredible, unbelievable,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ridiculous — adj 1. absurd, inane, pointless, fatuous; nonsensical, senseless, Inf. damfool, Inf. damfoolish, tomfoolish, foolish, Scot, and North Eng. glaikit, Sl. cockeyed; poppycockish, Sl. cockamamie, amphigoric; asinine, anserine, idiotic, Inf. moronic,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
senseless — adj 1. unconscious, insensible, insentient, comatose; numb, sensationless, feelingless, deadened, insensate; insensible, unaware, unperceiv ing, undiscerning, inappreciative. 2. foolish, fatuous, silly, asinine, anserine, idiotic, Inf. moronic,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder